Steps in writing a research paper
Argumentative Essay Topics On College Tuition
Thursday, August 27, 2020
King Lear: Family Relationships, Human Nature and Its Failings Essay
â€Å"I love your highness as indicated by my bond; no more nor less†(I. I. 94-95). Great morning educators and HSC understudies. Ruler Lear, an immortal story of family connections, human instinct and its failings. Be that as it may, what makes this play â€Å"timeless†? The way that it contains general topics of affection, desire and family connections makes it material to present day times despite the fact that it was composed for a 16thcentury crowd. Two pundits that have remarked on the topical worries of family connections and human instinct are Maggie Tomlinson in â€Å"A rough world†and Jim Young in â€Å"Still through the hawthorn blows the cold wind†, the two of which I’ll be talking about, today in detail. The idea of family connections is a pervasive subject that can be seen on numerous levels, for example, the decay, restoration and the idea of familial bonds. There are numerous family connections in the plot of King Lear, with the two significant ones identifying with the sub plot of Gloucester and the primary plot of Lear. In both these connections, treachery is the main consideration that adds to the weakening of the family relationship. In Gloucester’s case, through the basic demonstration of embarrassing Edmund, where Gloucester says in his quality â€Å"There was acceptable game at his creation and the whoreson must be acknowledged†(1. 1. 21-24), he made a crack in the relationship. Maggie Tomlinson raises a fairly noteworthy moment that she remarks on the idea of the relationship and the trust that is manhandled. She states â€Å"The proof is just not such a thing any one not to mention a dad would accept in†This shows the trust that is worked in these kinds of connections and its capacity to be misused. Family connections are additionally observed between the girls and King Lear. Shakespeare keenly examines the idea of connections through Lear’s test to see who adores him the most. Goneril and Regan are depicted as manipulative individuals with the endowment of words and cultured habits, yet it very well may be noticed that Cordelia likewise cherishes her dad however can't communicate it where she says â€Å"I am certain my love’s more unwieldy than my tongue†(I. I. 76-78). With the nonattendance of a maternal figure, one could address the amount Lear love’s, not to mention, thinks about his girl. The way that he ousts Cordelia, when she can't communicate her adoration, shows the little information he has of her shortcomings and qualities or the condition of his psyche. In the wake of giving up his capacity, Lear requests love from his little girls Goneril and Regan, yet doesn't get, so he starts to argue. Jim Young remarks on this decaying relationship, where Lear’s point of view is that his little girls owe him love as a result of the material blessings he has given them †Thy half of the realm thou hast not overlook, where in I thee endowed†( II. iv. 177-181). This underscores the commitments of the constrained relationship rather than its characteristic event. Another angle that is profoundly explored in King Lear is human instinct and its failings. To characterize human instinct it is the traits of mankind that are thought to be shared by every single individual, making it an immortal subject. To be human is to blame and to gain from one’s slip-ups. Allurement is a center viewpoint that causes these flaws and is a piece of human instinct. All through the play, allurement can be seen particularly through that of Lear. Its human instinct to feel love however one of Lear’s blemishes is his pride, he needs to be commended, hear the amount he is cherished. Be that as it may, this defect in his temperament of enticement causes his ruin and the loss of his rational soundness. In his disarray, he turns out to be figuratively visually impaired. It is just during the tempest that he gets his own test, where things may change or stop. It is in this tempest that he returns to nature as a basic being, the place the main thing that recognized him from a creature, was stripped , that is the capacity to think and reason. Here, he is deprived of all garments, and subsequently respect introducing the coming up short of ones nature. Youthful proceeds to state that Lear just becomes rational due to everyone around him particularly the Fool. The Fool holds on with Lear and offers his in sufferings however is explicit around one point: â€Å"Never give your capacity to anyone†. It is human instinct to need force and regard, and when Lear parts with it, as observed through the losing of his knights, he himself turns into a nitwit. In conclusion, Shakespeare additionally examines human nature’s association with reclamation in Edmond. Edmond looks for recovery before he bites the dust, where passing is the redemptive equity. Realizing that he was not to live, he attempted to change his malevolent nature by informing others to proceed to spare Cordelia from his lethal emissary, yet as Maggie Tomlinson stated, Shakespeare shrewdly consolidates the endeavors of an individual to change their temperament. Here, Edmond falls flat and is liable for Cordelia’s passing. Tomlinson raises the inquiry if whether this shows we can endeavor to change, however it is our human instinct to be preservationist and not stay into a new area, and subsequently Edmond attempts to do great by sparing Cordelia yet just comes up short. Ruler Lear will keep on staying an ageless story, and illuminate crowds about family connections and human instinct, for a considerable length of time to come. One could possibly think about whether those in Shakespeare’s time valued the play, the sum it is refreshing at this point. Much obliged to you.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Attacks Used to Hack Email Accounts and Their Preventive Measures Essays
Assaults Used to Hack Email Accounts and Their Preventive Measures Essays Assaults Used to Hack Email Accounts and Their Preventive Measures Essay Assaults Used to Hack Email Accounts and Their Preventive Measures Essay The present-day organize danger situation is phenomenal in both scale and effect. Digital CRIMINALS has gotten progressively sure about their own capacities on account of good association abilities and long periods of involvement with sidestepping law authorization. Outfitted with refined specialized information, an entire pack of apparatuses and working frameworks with misuses, their sole target today is to make hopeless harm the security and business interests of associations. The greatest brand name between all fear monger bunches over the world The Al-Qaeda, Islamic aggressor bunch Tehrik-I-Taliban Pakistan and a lot more psychological oppressor associations perform digital fear based oppression I. e. , upset assaults against data frameworks for the basic role of taking private data with respect to the nation’s security issues and optional intention is making caution and frenzy among the digital armed force of the country. This can incorporate utilization of data innovation to sort out and execute assaults against systems, PC frameworks and media communications foundations, or for trading data or making dangers electronically.Therefore there is a gigantic prerequisite for all of us to know the base preventive measures in order to stay away from the misuse of a programmer as he may utilize our PC as a shield to conceal his character. Our paper examines on the sorts on programmers and the principle maxim behind these individuals playing out these assaults trying to bargain any PC framework. Our paper stresses on different strategies by which passwords can be taken and afterward utilized for individual reason. A live presentation on how a record can be hacked (state facebook) will be shown by utilizing the phishing attack.All the preventive estimates that should be taken to defeats these issues and remain safe from this digital world assailants will be quickly disclosed to make everybody in fact solid and forestalling their PCs getting exploited†¦ Let’s fabricate a more grounded nation†¦. JAI HIND†¦ Vamshi Krishna Gudipati A. K. A h4x0r le610n, fourth year b. tech, COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, WARANGAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE. Data security implies shielding data and data frameworks from unapproved get to, use, exposure, interruption, change, scrutiny, assessment, recording or destruction.The terms data security, PC security and data confirmation are as often as possible utilized conversely. These fields are interrelated regularly and offer the shared objectives of securing the secrecy, respectability and accessibility of data; in any case, there are some inconspicuous contrasts between them. These distinctions lie principally in the way to deal with the subject, the strategies utilized, and the regions of fixation. Data security is worried about the classification, respectability and accessibility of information paying little mind to the structure the information may take: electronic, print, or other forms.Computer security can concentrate on guaranteeing the accessibility and right activity of a PC framework without worry for the data put away or handled by the PC. Data affirmation centers around the explanations behind confirmation that data is ensured, and is in this way thinking about data security. Governments, military, organizations , emergency clinics, and private organizations accumulate a lot of classified data about their workers, clients, items, look into, and monetary status.Most of this data is currently gathered, handled and put away on electronic PCs and transmitted across systems to different PCs. WHAT IS HACKING? Dissimilar to most PC wrongdoing/abuse zones which are obvious as far as activities and legalities (e. g. programming theft), PC hacking is progressively hard to characterize. PC hacking consistently includes some level of encroachment on the protection of others or harm to PC based property, for example, records, pages or programming. The effect of PC hacking fluctuates from basically being just intrusive and irritating to illegal.There is an atmosphere of secret that encompasses hacking, and a renown that goes with being a piece of a moderately tip top gathering of people who have mechanical sharp and are happy to face the challenges required to turn into a genuine programmer. An intriguing elective perspective on how programmers decidedly sway zones, for example, programming improvement and programmer philosophy is introduced in Technology and Pleasure: Considering Hacking Constructive. WHO IS A HACKER? In the PC security setting, a programmer is somebody who looks for and misuses shortcomings in a PC or PC network.Hackers might be inspired by a large number of reasons, for example, benefit, dissent, or challenge. The subculture that has advanced around programmers is regularly alluded to as the PC underground yet it is presently an open network. While different employments of the word programmer exist that are not identified with PC security, for example, alluding to somebody with a propelled comprehension of PCs and PC systems, they are seldom utilized in standard setting. They are dependent upon the long standing programmer definition debate about the genuine importance of the term programmer. Sorts OF HACKERS White HatA white cap programmer breaks security for non-malignant reasons, maybe to test their own security framework or while working for a security organization which makes security programming. The term white cap in Internet slang alludes to a moral programmer. This grouping likewise incorporates people who perform infiltration tests and defenselessness evaluations inside a legally binding understanding. The EC-Council, otherwise called the International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants, is one of those associations that have created affirmations, courseware, classes, and web based preparing overing the assorted field of Ethical Hacking. Dark Hat A dark cap programmer is a programmer who abuses PC security for little explanation past malignance or for individual addition (Moore, 2005). Dark cap programmers structure the cliché, illicit hacking bunches regularly depicted in mainstream society, and are the encapsulation of all that the open feelings of dread in a PC criminal Black cap programmers break into secure systems to devastate information or make the system unusable for the individuals who are approved to utilize the network.They pick their objectives utilizing a two dimensional procedure known as the pre-hacking stage. Section 1: Targeting The programmer figures out what system to break into during this stage. The objective might be exceptionally compelling to the programmer, either strategically or by and by, or it might be picked aimlessly. Next, they will port sweep a system to decide whether it is helpless against assaults, which is simply trying all ports on a host machine for a reaction. Open ports-those that do react will permit a programmer to get to the framework. Section 2: Research and Information GatheringIt is in this phase the programmer will visit or contact the objective here and there in order to find out crucial data that will assist them with getting to the framework. The principle way that programmers get wanted outcomes from this stage is from social building, which will be clarified underneath. Beside social building, programmers can likewise utilize a procedure called dumpster jumping. Dumpster plunging is the point at which a programmer will truly look through clients trash in order to find records that have been discarded, which may contain data a programmer can utilize straightforwardly or by implication, to assist them with accessing a network.Part 3: Finishing The Attack This is the phase when the programmer will attack the primer objective that he/she was intending to assault or take. Numerous programmers will be gotten after this point, tricked in or snatched by any information otherwise called a honeypot (a snare set up by PC security work force). Dark Hat A dim cap programmer is a mix of a Black Hat and a White Hat Hacker. A Gray Hat Hacker may ride the web and hack into a PC framework for the sole reason for informing the overseer that their framework has been hacked, for example.Then they may offer to fix their framework for a little expense. Hacktivists Some programmer activists are propelled by governmental issues or religion, while others may wish to uncover bad behavior, or get payback, or essentially irritate their objective for their own diversion. State Sponsored Hackers Governments around the world understand that it serves their military destinations to be very much situated on the web. The adage used to be, He who controls the oceans controls the world, and afterward it was, He who controls the air controls the world. Presently it’s about controlling cyberspace.State supported programmers have boundless time and subsidizing to target regular folks, companies, and governments. Spy Hackers Corporations recruit programmers to invade the opposition and take exchange privileged insights. They may hack in all things considered or gain work so as to go about as a mole. Spy programmers may utilize comparable strategies as hacktivists, yet their solitary motivation is to serve their client’s objectives and get paid. Digital Terrorists These programmers, for the most part roused by strict or political convictions, endeavor to make dread and bedlam by upsetting basic infrastructures.Cyber fear mongers are by a wide margin the most hazardous, with a wide scope of abilities and objectives. Digital Terrorists extreme inspiration is to spread dread, fear and submit murder. Different ATTACKS USED BY A HACKER Phishing is a method of endeavoring to secure data, for example, usernames,passwords, and charge card subtleties by taking on the appearance of a dependable substance in anelectronic correspondence. Interchanges implying
Friday, August 21, 2020
Online Writing Competitions For High School Students
Online Writing Competitions For High School StudentsThere are lots of writing competitions for high school students where writers can earn money for writing a best-selling essay. Sometimes these competitions are sponsored by public officials, and sometimes they are organized by private organizations. Some writing competitions for high school students last for one month or even a year and the top winner will get paid in cash or prizes.During the new school year when kids are struggling to learn the basics in the curriculum and the focus is on reading, spelling, and writing as well as math, there are lots of opportunities for teens to participate in writing competitions for high school students. Because the focus on academics in school changes and many students are used to this pace, writing competitions for high school students become more attractive to the teenager.There are many online writing competitions for high school students that attract teens. Most online competitions require teens to submit their works online and do not have deadlines. Teenagers usually find it hard to organize their assignments and they prefer to work on their own without a teacher's guidance.Teenagers are a creative lot, and they love to win writing competitions for high school students because they can get free advertising for their writing. They may also earn cash by enrolling in writing courses after they win writing competitions for high school students. Some organizations even offer scholarship grants to students who participate in writing competitions for high school students. Teens can also get free advertising for their poems, essays, and short stories online.Of course, teenagers must understand how writing competitions for high school students work. To win a competition, a writer needs to submit his essay via an online submission form. The contest organizers are looking for a compelling essay that demonstrates that the writer is a knowledgeable writer with lots of writing ex perience.Writingcompetitions for high school students are usually done over a short period of time to reward the top performing students. Since teens' lives change so fast, the deadline for each competition depends on the organizer. However, some competitions last from two to three months.Writing competitions for high school students attract teens because they can earn money and many teens are interested in doing writing contests. It is not very difficult to win a writing contest as long as the organizers make the contest rules as simple as possible. If teens can add their personal touches, which is often needed to win a writing contest, they can certainly be among the winners.The first step in winning a writing contest is to look for the best online competitions. Since teens tend to compete against other teens and they would like to win cash or prizes, they want to find out online writing competitions for high school students. They are just waiting for their chance to prove themsel ves.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ms. Phillip s Responsibilities At Winfield Security
Ms. Phillip commenced her employment at Winfield Security, located at 57 West 38th Street, New York, NY 10016 on or about November 2013. She was working as Security personnel, earning $8.75 per hour. Ms. Phillip’s was to report directly to Ms. Anthony Diranty. Ms. Phillip’s duties included, inter alia: maintaining security. During the course of her employment, Winfield Security, through its employees and agents, maintained an inappropriate and unprofessional behavior toward her and subjected her to per se sexual harassment, quid pro quo sexual harassment and hostile work environment. During the course of her employment with Winfield Security, Ms. Phillip was the victim of sexual harassment by a Winfield Security employee, by Mr. Waltz (full name currently unknown.) Mr. Waltz would continuously harass Ms. Phillip. Mr. Waltz would observe Ms. Phillip’s body and outfit with scrutiny; he would also make sexual innuendos and inappropriate comments. Mr. Waltz would ask Ms. Phillip on dates, even though Ms. Phillip told Mr. Waltz that she would not date people she works with. Ms. Phillip informed Mr. Waltz that he was making her uncomfortable and asked him to stop. Such unwanted advances and sexual harassment made Ms. Medina extremely uncomfortable but she was forced to endure it and would brush off the comments. Such unwanted advances and sexual harassment made Ms. Medina extremely uncomfortable but she was forced to endure it and would brush off the comments. Mr. Waltz would
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay about Comparing Hitler and Napoleon - 628 Words
Comparing Hitler and Napoleon There were differences between Hitler and Napoleon, however I feel there were more similarities. They were both immigrants in the country they ended up ruling, both conquered most of Europe, both had radical views about fighting, and both were very quick in their fighting. However, the most significant similarities between the two leaders is how they were accepted as monarchs in a previously democratic society, and what they did for the countries after becoming monarchs. Hitler and Napoleon were accepted as monarchs for three major reasons. Both countries were hoping for the returning strength of the monarchy. The people of Germany and France were tired of inflation, and threats of invasion, and both†¦show more content†¦By eliminating the economic crisis in their countries and establishing a feeling of national security, they raised national pride and patriotism to amazing levels. Both men also had similar radical views about fighting. Both called for a fight to the death when enemy armies were approaching, and when their countries had exhausted all of their manpower, they both used children and teens in their fighting. Hitler used the Hitler youth, and Napoleon used the Marie Louises, who were only fifteen years old. However, the speed of their fighting may be the most amazing. Hitler, under his personal command and planning conquered all of Poland in only 24 days, and Napoleon conquered most of Austria and all of Sardinia in 9 days. They both followed these victories with even larger, faster victories. Hitler took over the Netherlands, Holland, Belgium and France in just 25 days, and Napoleon conquered Italy and more of Austria ;in less than one year. This may not sound so big, but Napoleon had only 30,000 soldiers to start with against over 100,000. Both men took much from the countries they conquered. They sent back bullion, art and other valuables. Both captured many soldiers and a large amount of supplies and weapons as well. Their tactics were described as lightening wars by their oppositions. Another, more interesting, similarity between Hitler and Napoleon was that theyShow MoreRelatedComparing Napoleon The Pig To Hitler In George Orwells Animal Farm963 Words  | 4 PagesAnimal Farm Analysis I will be comparing Napoleon the pig to Hitler as to how he conquered his people and used the jews as a scapegoat. In the book â€Å"Animal Farm†by George Orwell, Napoleon uses his competing pig, snowball, as a scapegoat to gain control of the people. He does this by having dogs chase him off of the farm saying that Snowball was conspiring with the humans. This allowed Napoleon to take complete control of the farm and the rest of the animals. If the animals stopped the dogs fromRead MoreSymbolism In Animal Farm, By George Orwell993 Words  | 4 Pagesby George Orwell is all about symbolism. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens - 1644 Words
In Dickens’ Oliver Twist, Dickens frequently explains how â€Å"callous and uncaring Victorian society was (Shmoop Editorial Team),†as well as how clothing affects one’s social class. The protagonist of this eventful and heart wrenching story, Oliver Twist, is a naive young man who endures intense abuse and starvation in Victorian England’s workhouses. He keeps his hopes high and has a turn-around from his past life of misery. During this morose experience, Oliver sees the realization of Victorian England, where social classes were most important in society. All of the events that occur have a beginning, and the beginning of Oliver’s adventures is the workhouse. Oliver Twist was born in a workhouse in the 1830s of England. His mother dies shortly after giving birth to Oliver. Oliver is raised on The Farm until he is nine years old, where it is the â€Å"coming of age†to the parish, in other words, Oliver needs to begin working. This becomes interrupted as Oliver causes a hysterical commotion by asking for more dinner. The parish put him â€Å"for sale,†offering to give anyone five pounds and Oliver. Soon enough, Oliver becomes an apprentice for a local undertaker. A charity boy causes Oliver to pounce on the charity boy, causing the undertaker and his wife to beat and starve him. Oliver takes the initiative to run away on foot towards London. Oliver meets and gets involved with Fagin and a group of criminals and gets accused of robbing an old gentlemen (named Mr. Brownlow) who does notShow MoreRelatedOliver Twist By Charles Dickens1535 Words  | 7 PagesCharles Dickens, the author of Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens was born on February 7th, 1812 in Landport, England, and then died on June 9th, 1870 in Kent, England. In his 58 years of life he made a collection of books that are still famous today; although it was not until 1836 that he started to come to fame when he published The Pickwick Papers. One of the many books he published was Oliver Twist and this story was one that he related too, because like this story Dickens had little education asRead MoreOliver Twist By Charles Dickens Essay1736 Words  | 7 Pagesfunctions as Charles Dickens (1812- 1870) did. Oliver Twist was the second novel of Dickens distributed in a serial structure in a magazine titled BentleyÊ ¼s Miscellany run independent from anyone else from February 1837 to April 1839 when Dickens was still a columnist. In England, from the 1830s to the 1840s, a lot of wrongdoing books were distributed. Oliver Twist was composed simply During that period. Most faultfinders and book commentators of Dickens lifetime based their surveys o f Oliver Twist on oneRead MoreCharles Dickens Oliver Twist1150 Words  | 5 PagesOliver Twist, one of Charles Dickens greatest novel written in 1838, portrays the despotic social scenario of England at that time. The novel’s substitle is The Parish Boy’s Progress, which is a satirical depiction of an orphan boy, Oliver, who suffers from the miserable behavior of the authorities charged to care for orphan children. Oliver eventually becomes involved with a gang of criminals (Frank 19). It shows how a young mind gets manipulated by evil just because he suffers from the crueltyRead MoreOliver Twist By Charles Dickens1370 Words  | 6 PagesOliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens, English writer and social critic. He is known as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. It was his second novel and was finished in September 1838. Dickens was writing two novels at the same time, The Pickwick Papers and Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist, tells of the complicated life of an orphan, Oliver, living in the streets of London. The story was inspired by Dickens childhood poverty where he had to get by on his own and earn his own way. DickensRead More Charles Dickens Oliver Twist Essay1137 Words  | 5 PagesCharles Dickens Oliver Twist The novel Oliver Twist is a criticism of the cruelty that children and poor people suffered at the hands of 19th century society. It was Dickens first novel written under his own name when he was 24 years old and in it he already reveals his sharp, but comic comments and criticism. From the start Dickens makes it clear to the reader that poor people and the children of poor people; most especially a baby born illegitimately; were of no consequence in theRead MoreAnalysis Of Charles Dickens s Oliver Twist 1539 Words  | 7 Pages​Charles Dickens illustrates how people facing poverty are treated as criminals by the Victorian society and may cause them to be forced down the path of crime. He demonstrates this theory throughout his novel Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist is a novel about a ten year old orphan in the nineteenth century who is forced into labour at a workhouse. Dickens highlights the conditions of the workhouse to display the struggle one bares in order to survive. He uses the characters Oliver and Nancy to demonstrateRead MoreAnalysis Of Charles Dickens s Oliver Twist 905 Words  | 4 Pagesthat the earliest use of the word realism referred to the faith full representation of the real world in the literature beginning from the 1850 s. Charles dickens is one among the greatest well-known representatives of the 19th century English critical realism. In Victorian England realism is greeted by the work of Dickens. In his work, Oliver Twist (1838), he uses realism to represent the harsh realities of life during his lifetime. It is his first novel in which he reflect on the shortcomingsRead MoreNancy in Charles Dickens Oliver Twist Essay679 Words  | 3 PagesNancy in Charles Dickens Oliver Twist London in the 19th century was a heavily packed city where the rich and poor rubbed shoulders daily. Charles Dickens lived there most of his life, growing from a poor child to a publicly famous, but often privately troubled, writer. The city shaped his life it also patterns his work in complex and fascinating ways. The novels picture this great city vividly. It can also be seen to be used as a symbolic map through which human relationshipsRead MoreThe Inspirational Nature of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens671 Words  | 3 PagesOliver Twist is a popular book written by Charles Dickens among many others such as David Copperfield and A Christmas Carol. Charles Dickens wrote many short stories, plays, novels, fiction, and nonfiction stories during his lifetime. He wrote a lot about the different types of people in the world, especially about the poor. This type of writing showed in the book Oliver Twist. This book is told by a 3rd omniscient narrator. Oliver Twist is the main character in this book asRead MoreCharles Dickens Great Expectations And Oliver Twist1057 Words  | 5 Pagesstrangers as family. Charitable strangers can also teach children to act with benevolence and give them an honorable role model to follow. These acts of kindness can drastically change the character of the poor child. In Charles Dickens’ two novels, Great Expectations and Oliver Twist, Dickens challenges the conventional idea of parentage and suggests that through generosity anyone can become a guardian and have a major impact on the emerging identity of children. Therefore, people should not place as much
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Global Economic Environment and Marketing-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Analyse potential impact of the Brexit on a company trading on the EU market in the UK and other EU market. Answer: Introduction British people voted for the exit of Britain from EU on 23rd June 2016 in a historic referendum. This incident of Brexit led to celebrations for Eurosceptics and it also sent shockwaves to global economy[1]. Under Article 50, the UK will leave the EU by the end of March 2019. After the incident, the price of pound fell to the lowest point and free trade between the EU and the UK will no longer be possible, therefore the cost of supplies will increase. On the other side, the UK companies that do businesses in the EU countries need to reassess the contingency plans as the cost will increase for UK-EU trade. In this study, the potential impact of Brexit on a company trading on the EU market and the UK market is analysed. Benefits and threats of Brexit on that company are assessed. In the initial section, the theory behind economic integration is explored giving evidence from EU-27 and the UK. Possible models of the economic relationship between the UK and EU-27 are identified. In the later section of the study, theoretical opportunities and threats posed by Brexit on a company are highlighted. In the final part, a strategy is designed to exploit the opportunities and avert the threats. Identifying and describing theory behind the economic integration Economic integration is the merger of economic policies among various states through the full or partial abolition of trade and tariff restrictions before the integration. The decision of economic integration is taken to lower the price for consumers and distributors. This also helps to increase the welfare of the country through economic productivity. The best option of economic integration is free competition, free trade and no trade barriers[2]. However, free trade can be referred to as idealistic option and economic integration is taken as the option for international trade where barriers of free trade already exist. Brexit can be seen as the symptom of social disintegration in European section and it is the influence of globalisation. Economic integration has many stages and members' countries may have the preferential trade area. In order to complete economic integration members of the countries must be integrated. Within a geographical area, a regional bloc can be a group of s tates that protect themselves from other non-members countries and from imports. These regional trading blocs are called for as regionalism. Preferential Trade Areas exist when states agree to eliminate the trade barriers on some of the goods or products imported from the members' areas. Agreements are created among several countries as multi-lateral. On the other side, Free Trade Area is created when some of the states decide to reduce the barriers to trade on all products or goods coming from members' states. The EU is a Customs Union as here it is involved to the removal of trade tariff barriers among the members having the acceptance of unified tariff against the non-members. Countries those export to the CU need to make a single payment when the products pass through the borders. Free movement of services, goods, capital and people has always been primary principle of the EU; however, intensive harmonisation is required in-laws of economic integration to grab the openness in practice of continuous exercise. Cutting the barriers from the trade can increase free movement of service and goods that can stimulate the trade. Eliminating the barriers of trade can increase the competitiveness faced by the firms. EU applies 9.8% tariff on motor vehicles those are imported from outside the EU and it can be argued that EU diverts more trade than it makes[3]. In addition, free movement of people and capital can increase the efficiency that enhances the production process by allowing the labour force. In a single market, where domestic market is open for foreign services and goods, prices can be raised to consumers. The EU was the UKs largest trading associate and in the year 2016, the UK exported to EU approximately 236 billion (almost 43% of overall the UKs export). In addition, the UK imported from the EU approximately 320 billion in the year 2016[4]. The UK also faced the overall trade deficit in the year 2016 of 80 billion and the UK has a trade surplus of 38 billion from the non-EU countries. Apart from goods, the UK exported 38% of the services to the EU in the year 2016; these services are included with financial services and overall business services. The East side of the UK has always been the highest proportion of goods imports from the EU. EU tariffs on agricultural products were low. Exports Imports Balance billion % billion % billion EU 237 43.1% 319 53.3% -82 Non-EU 313 56.9% 271 46.1% +39 Total 530 100% 590 100% -43 Table 1: UK trade with EU and non-EU countries in 2016 Source: [5] Figure 1: UK trade with EU and non-EU countries in 2016 Source: [6] Identifying possible models of economic relations between the UK and EU-27 after the Brexit The UK was the part of the EU and it has been dealt with trade deals. There are almost 22 trade agreements between individual countries and the EU. There are five multi-lateral agreements also. After leaving the EU, any UK trade business with the EU will need adherence to EU policies and standards regardless of any agreement adopted. The ongoing regulation in the UK that facilitates single market entry may not change. Only WTO and CETA agreements would observe an end towards direct financial contributions to the EU budget. In case of the free trade agreement, it will depend on the agreement or deal that is negotiated and completely based on the CETA model. Some of the services or goods may exclude from the agreements. Under any agreements, the UK cannot influence the laws of the EU, only EEA (European Economic Area) by Norway can provide some consultation to EU. The UK can follow the Norway Model as Norway has full right to access single market and they accept the EU laws. Norway nee ds to oblige to provide a financial contribution. Individuals from the EU countries can work and live in Norway; however, Norway does not follow fisheries, home affairs and agriculture and justice rules of EU. In case of Switzerland Model, Switzerland is a member of EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and it has access to EU market as they have more than 121 bilateral agreements. Switzerland has to make a financial donation and it does not have a duty to apply to EU laws. Moreover, Turkey Model explains that Turkey is neither in EEA nor in EFTA; however, it has a tiny agreement in San Marino or Andorra[7]. Turkey does not face any tariffs or quotas for industrial goods when it sends the products to EU countries[8]. Turkey has to respond to bear the tariffs on goods import from non-EU countries. There are mainly three types of agreements; one is Custom Unions where countries can eliminate the customs duties in bilateral trade. The members' countries can create a joint customs tariffs for importers from other countries. Second types of agreements are Association agreements, stabilisation agreements, Free Trade Agreements and Economic Partnership Agreements, in which the countries can remove or decrease the customs tariffs in bilateral trade. In the third type of agreement, Partnership and Cooperation agreement, member countries need to provide a general framework for bilateral economic relations and they leave custom tariffs as the countries are. EFTA is a free trade area consisting of Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein[9]. All the four members participate in European Single Market. CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) is an agreement of trade between Canada. Identifying theoretical opportunities and threats posed by the Brexit After the incident of Brexit, currency fluctuation has been happening. For instance, the pound fell to the lowest point in the 30 years. Therefore, exporters will be an advantage if the pound falls and importers will experience the rise of the price of the products. British farms may trade in the global market if the market price rises; the products' price automatically rises in the UK market. In case of the agricultural products, farmers may have the opportunity to sell the goods and services in the European market; however, at this situation, the UK and EU both are trying to reach to an agreement. In case of the online business, these companies are in threats of rising costs as most the technologies come from the US. These will be more expensive. Another threat for the business organisation, after the Brexit, trade barriers hinder Dutch exporters and importers doing the business directly with the UK, it is an important link to the value chain. Free-trade agreements between EU and t he rest of the world no longer apply to the UK, therefore, UK based companies will see the trade barriers[10]. In addition, EU personnel in the UK working in the other EU based countries might have to leave from the UK, therefore, UK based companies will lose the European talents. British based businesses do not find the management time to continue business in overseas as overseas legislation and regulation are getting changed. The UK had done the Brexit because of to mitigate the disruption, companies are facing major challenges from non-EU countries as there no legal clarity[11]. The UK based businesses can try to apply the trade preferences after the UK has left the EU as there is no legal clarity and documentation needs change. For instance, EU business may import the UK goods may encounter an import tariff. British competitors supplying the EU27 are less completive due to trade barriers. The companies that have in-house expertise or services that can help other businesses cope with Brexit. For the EU based companies, they need to find out the alternative of the UK as other EU countries sell more to the UK than the UK sells to them. In the year 2016, the EU based countries sell almost 80 billion in goods and exports touched to the 240 billion. Therefore, the companies will find the other open market for business; it will open up the opportunities for the companies to try Netherlands and Germany economy. Figure 2: UK share of exports of goods and services to EU countries Source: [12] On the other side, the UK based companies need to find the trade opportunities apart from the EU based countries. In the African region, countries like Nigeria and South Africa are starting to moving and maturing to develop as emerging markets. The UK based companies are trying to open up the opportunities in this market by building the infrastructure. The UK farming and agricultural sector is also trying to make improvement in the Russia and Turkey. The UK has been facing the mini-recession and recession always open up the way to innovation for the businesses. As unemployment increases, that could be an advantage for retraining employees to pursue new ventures. This means proactively teaching skills that are relevant to the new economy, such as programming, entrepreneurship. GDP decreases, public spending will also decrease[13]. This means theres an opportunity for co-operative-like work on infrastructure and other public services that may diminish. The companies will be beneficial if they do Financial-technological investment as people are less rusting the Bank, it will be an opportunity for technology to grab this. Designing a strategy which could exploit potential opportunities and avert threats Businesses need to understand each aspect of the business in which Brexit can impact. The businesses need to consider if the companies can terminate certain supply chain as the trade designing is changing. The UK can predict now a free movement of goods, service, people and capital. Business needs to understand the business tariffs and consumers may face the import duties. Business management should calculate the costs and if it is possible, they can raise the price of the products. In absence of the EU, the UK will be responsible for making trade relationship with other countries and the companies can negotiate freely with the countries as well. In this situation, Brexit issue can be handled by the companies through keep going and keep growing at the same time. The company needs to invest in business as crucial time always provides a chance to introspection. Companies need to build for all weathers as delivering the growth in the sneaky economy is always challenging. In this scenari o, the leadership is important to exploit the opportunities and averts the threats of future and trade relationship. Companies can take the strategy of making subsidiaries in the EU countries for trading advantages. Leaders of the business can calculate the costs and if they think it is worth continuing the business, they can establish a subsidiary in the EU based country. If the company does not have an office in Europe, they will definitely feel the risk to set up a subsidiary in the EU jurisdiction. The company can transfer some of the staffs to the EU based country and they can wait for the UK and EU agreement. This will help the company to be profitable enough to weigh the partial relocation and costs of the business. After the Brexit, the companies need to protect the skills and people so that the staffs do not leave the companies. The companies can send the staffs to the subsidiary to understand the legal and trade relationship. The subsidiary can be defined as an incorporated entity made by the host country in accordance with the national business legal form[14]. The foreign company can ful ly own the subsidiary or controlled through collaboration. The legal structure will define the statutory provision and advantages to the subsidiary. The company can understand the economic volatility and competitive advantage through the behaviour of the markets. Conclusion It has been observed that Brexit has made a breach to the UK from EU based countries. A new model of economic integration is necessary for the UK now to continue their trade and business. Loss of momentum is mutually problematic for both EU members and the UK as both know the value of partnership. In addition, the UK has to follow no longer need to follow the agreements of the EU and they can trade with any other countries freely. However, the UK has to follow the models of economic relationships in order to trade with EU based countries. The UK can follow the Norway Model or Switzerland Model. The UK has to contribute a financial proportion in order to trade with the EU countries. For a company, Brexit has posed opportunities and threats as trade and legal relation now in dubious condition. The companies have to face the risks of trade, working conditions, supply chain and financial measures. For the UK based companies, they need to find out the opportunity from the different parts apart from Europe. The decision to leave the EU is a bold measure for the UK and it has made a climate of uncertainty. Companies need to plan for the growth as it is a crucial decision from the alternative. The companies can take risk of setting up of a subsidiary to manage the transition Reference List Allan, G., Comerford, D. (2017). How might Brexit impact the UK energy industry? Journal of International Relationship. 34-45 Baier, S. L., Bergstrand, J. H., Feng, M. (2014). Economic integration agreements and the margins of international trade.Journal of International Economics,93(2), 339-350. Bailey, D. (2017). Brexit, the UK Auto Industry and Industrial Policy.Regions Magazine,306(1), 4-5. Dhingra, S., Ottaviano, G. I., Sampson, T., Reenen, J. V. (2016). 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The consequences of Brexit for UK trade and living standards. International Journal of International Relationship, 02-14 The options for the UKs trading relationship with the EU. (2018).The Institute for Government. Retrieved 16 February 2018, from Kreindler, R., Gilbert, P., Zimbron, R. (2016). Impact of Brexit on UK Competition Litigation and Arbitration.Journal of International Arbitration,33(7), 521-540. Five models for post-Brexit UK trade. (2018).BBC News. Retrieved 16 February 2018, from Kenward, M. (2016). Brexit leaves UK scientific research community in uncertainty.MRS Bulletin,41(12), 946. Franks, J. R. (2016). Some implications of Brexit for UK agricultural environmental policy.Centre for Rural Economy. 23-25 Bailey, D. (2017). Brexit, the UK Auto Industry and Industrial Policy.Regions Magazine,306(1), 4-5. Nathan, M., Pratt, A., Rincon-Aznar, A. (2015).Creative economy employment in the EU and UK: A comparative analysis. National Endowment for science, technology and the arts. Jeffery, C. (Ed.). (2015).The regional dimension of the European Union: towards a third level in Europe? Abingdon: Routledge. Allan, G., Comerford, D. (2017). How might Brexit impact the UK energy industry? Journal of International Relationship. 34-45 Petria, N., Capraru, B., Ihnatov, I. (2015). Determinants of banks profitability: evidence from EU 27 banking systems.Procedia Economics and Finance,20, 518-524.
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